Outpatient Mental & Behavioral Health Clinic & Psychiatric Rehabilitation Programs

Latest Technologies

Our Electronic Health Record System has made our services and operational procedures to be more efficient and effective in delivery of mental and behavioral healthcare services to the individuals we serve.

Our Biopsychosocial, Neuropsychiatric, Psychophysiological, and Clinical Diagnostic Centers are equipped with best behavioral health technologies and tools to apply the best evidence-based technologies in treating our members. These technologies guarantee the most effective and efficient outcomes for our members and their families.

Individual & Family Care

Our physicians, mental health practitioners, behavioral doctors, or psychiatric doctors, and behavioral scientists professionally practice medicine. They are concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the scientific investigations, study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment or rehabilitation of disease, injury, and other physical, surgical, and mental impairments.

Our team of doctors

An excellent team at our Center of Excellence

John Doe

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Mark Williams

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Teresa Palmer

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The Surgery of the Mind

Mind surgery

Our multidisciplinary teams of mental and behavioral specialists constantly brainstorm together with our members; research and apply relevant medical and behavioral theories in every procedure or process of solving the puzzles of recovery from any mental or behavioral illness or emotional condition identified with each member. To dig deep into the unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind takes special skills, talents, knowledge, education, and the experiences of the mental and behavioral healthcare craftmanship of our professionals and paraprofessionals to fathom the mysteries of pathological and neurological misfiring, to adjust, repair, and rebuild each persons mind; performed one step at a time in an outcome oriented models.

Health Check-ups

Each member has a responsibility and duty to desire to be well and regain total control of their life. This is demonstrated by their willingness to seek help and live an independent, functional, and productive life. Willingness to participate in our programs, follow every step of recovery religiously, keep to appointments scheduled, engage in activities, and take medication regimen to the best of their ability is significantly essential to healing or recovery. Severity of condition and medical necessity guides the intervention of our specialists. The surgery of the mind requires team work of the best mental and behavioral health specialists. We have them waiting for you!

Children service is our specialty
emotional skill, coping skills

Why should you choose Our Clinic?

So many reasons to choose from

Our Availability is 100%!

At our clinic, you do not have to wait 4-8 weeks to see a Psychiatrist or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner! Family Preservation of America’s services are available to special needs children, adolescents and adults. Our programs are centered on rehabilitation and treatment of children and adults entrusted in our care in such a way that they will be able to develop themselves, support themselves, support one another, and make contributions to the community they represent, thereby making an impact within the society at large.

We’re the Best in Town!

Family Preservation of America’s services arr rendered by our Multidisciplinary Professional Team (Psychiatrist, Clinical Counselor, Registered Nurse & Clinical Social Worker) Jointly Conduct All Initial Assessment in specific order that guarantees acuity, validity, authenticity, and accuracy of diagnosis. ‘The Surgery of Mind & Soul’

The First Minority Owned Clinic to be Accredited in Maryland

We utilize evidence-based, person-centered, individualized goal setting, and individual choice and clinical decision making process in our care. Our services helps to minimize hospitalizations, emergency room visits, provides stabilization and management of behavioral health symptoms,

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